Conservation Voters of Pennsylvania

Pennsylvania Environmental Scorecard 2023-2024

Our Scorecard Votes

About Our Scorecard

The Pennsylvania Environmental Scorecard rates each member of the State Senate and House on their environmental voting record using the most crucial environmental votes that the Pennsylvania General Assembly took during the current legislative session. The Scorecard holds state legislators accountable for their votes on clean water, air pollution, climate change, and environmental justice, and other environmental issues that affect all Pennsylvanians.

To compile these scores, our organizations worked with dozens of other environmental advocates, activists, and leaders to ensure that we are reviewing and scoring the most important and highly watched environmental votes, and that we are educating legislators on the environmental impacts of the legislation in question. A lifetime score was also given for each legislator. This score reflects their pro-environment voting record going back to the 2007-2008 legislative session. This adds greater context to each legislator’s position on environmental issues over time. When a bill is voted on in each chamber and has remained largely the same, our coalition will score the bill in each chamber. If there are significant differences in bill versions, we may score it in only one chamber.

We invite you to look up your lawmakers to see how they scored, and then ask them to do better in the next legislative session – or thank them if they’re one of our champs!